Alright...hopefully this will be a new feature on the ferry blog and one that maybe my brotherititos will join in on. SONG OF THE WEEK.

A couple weeks ago I mowed my lawn for the first time since the middle of July since it hadn't rained pretty much at all. And I was listening to the old iPod and what shuffled up but
Jake Speed & the Freddies,
The Cincinnati Legends of Jeremiah Schmidt. Jake Speed is a creative, sometimes silly, often laugh out loud funny, old timey song writer. He clearly enjoys himself which comes across in the music.
So the song of the week...
Christian Morlein Saves the Day. For those of you who don't know, Christian Morlein is a beer and was an actual human who started the brewery, a la Samuel Adams, eh? Xian Morlein is a Cincinnati brew and is mighty tasty. This song/story makes it all the more tasty. Also check out Morlein's fairly new OTR. Delicious.