(1) Goyte | Scotty's probably been listening to these cats since before they existed but they seem pretty wicked cool. Someone want to buy me an iTunes card so I can buy this and a couple other albums I've been jonesin' to buy? Oh. Wait. He's not on iTunes. LISTEN HERE
(2) A Tale of Two Tomatos | I'm a communication/word nerd and this is a great little blog post by Kem Meyer from Granger Community Church about subtle communication choices made by organizations. She's worth adding to your blog roll if you don't read her stuff already. Posts are pithy and helpful and entertaining.
austin is home to the world's largest urban bat colony.
every night 1.5 million bats come out of the congress street bridge in downtown austin at dusk and go a-hunting. sabrina and i sat next to the bridge last night and watched them take over the sky, as we got pelted with occasional bat drips and droppings. it was amazing.